Sunday, September 7, 2014

Beck Show (stats)

I was very close and was practically moshing the entire time- not in a moshpit- just trying to stand. We were all just trying to stand and dance and maybe move a little closer. I have never ever ever sweat so much in my entire life. It was blatantly nuts. Beck told us about 3 times to step back and take care of each other. I had drunk guys dancing with me. I single-handedly saved a crowd surfer. I also dropped one. I found some chick's purse. One guy offered me a smoke. Some teenager was yelling "I just smoked pot for the first time!" I was physically covered in other people's bodies, but I wasn't tiny guy. I was a contributing factor to the crew. Despite my closeness, all my pictures sucked. 9.5/10
Lots of people around me were making of Future Islands lead singer (Sam Herring), but he is possibly the greatest stage performer I have seen in my entire life. He's crying on stage. His sweat changed the color of his shirt by the end of the show. His vocal styles range from David Bowie to Peter Gabriel to Tom Waits to James Hetfield. A beautiful voice. His body covers the entire stage with pure energy and emotion. The actual main act was alright too, I guess. 8.5/10 (perfect 10 for Sam Herring)
Beck played 5 songs from his most lazy album, Guero. However, they were a buncha staright-up electronica dance tracks and they sounded freaking great live. Started with "Devil's Haircut." He played "Debra," which I really really wanted him to play secretly. He also played "Minus," which was freaking bonkers. He played 4 songs from his new (and kinda boring) album. But they were actually my favorite tracks from the album. Everyone toked up during "Wave." The prolonged closer "Where It's At" was perfectly fine. (especially since he broke out his harmonica with "One Foot In The Grave" somewhere in the middle). Played nothing from Mutations. He looked confused while the crowd was still going nuts during during "Lost Cause." And screw it, he played "Debra." 10/10
I showed up dressed in my "2-turnables-and-a-microphone" Beck shirt and a bucket hat and fake Kanye-Graduation shades. I tried to reflect his 90s personality. His personality has been a lot more musically boring recently, but that didn't show in the live show. He namely stuck with the bangers. He brought out this vox-speaking, handheld robot that reminded he's probably kept since the Odelay tour. There were a couple of noise-rock breakdowns, which is a refreshing live experience. He's not the same "I'm high and I don't give a f***" guy he used to be. In fact, I think he's sobered up and positive. But I could tell he's got a lot on his mind. He knows people think of him as the king of alternative rock (the guitarist looked like Danger Mouse). He's old, but he's not giving into any categories just yet. 9.5/10
Everybody wants to sound loud. Beck can definitely do that. But there were a couple of reminders during the show that he is also "The Enchanting Wizard Of Rythm." "Beercan," "Where It's At," "The New Pollution." The few slow songs he played were atmospheric enough. The fact that a quarter of these songs were from Guero kinda bugged me, but they are very easy to dance to. Also, this entire blog is based off a quote from "Loser."   9.5/10
This was probably the best show I've ever been to.

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